Programming Coordinator
Membership Coordinator

Naveera Majid is a Pakistani American advocate, poet, and scholar fond of interdisciplinary projects and genre-bending. She holds a BA in Creative Writing and Sociology from the University of Houston and is a Mellon Scholar and Rowan Fellow. Her essays have received multiple honorable mentions for the Rowan Writing Competition, and she received the 2023 Howard Moss Prize in Poetry. Naveera's Creative Nonfiction essay, “Say What People Will,” was published in the UH Public Art System's 2023 PUBLIC/ATION Chapbook. After formerly interning for Writespace in 2020 as their first intern through the Rowan Program, now as Writespace's Membership Coordinator, she is excited to serve Writespace's writing community and increase membership through free video content for members, more opportunities for socials, and new community-building events.