Elisabeth Commanday Swim
California native Elisabeth Commanday Swim has survived natural and human-made disasters on three coasts and two continents. She moved to Houston in 2008 to be editor of Houston Grand Opera's Opera Cues after earning an M.A. in music from Hunter College and a B.A. in Comparative Literature from Swarthmore College. Her poems are live in care of Defunkt, Thimble, Thin Air and The Local Train magazines as well as Intercultural Press Rebels and High Shelf Press. She has also appeared with the Gentle Hour salon series, with Words and Art Houston at the Contemporary Arts Museum and the Menil Collection and in Galveston with Coast2Soul. She published previously under the name Eliza Swan and she is a playful mindful music teacher both online and in-person with notearspiano.com. She has work forthcoming in the debut anthology from Our Silent Voice and sends email love letters from swanwrites.org.