WS: What genre do you write in and why?
GK: I write fiction because I enjoy playing with that line between reality and invention. I have the freedom to tell whatever story I'm inspired to write. I do tend to tap into my own experiences though, especially when it comes to setting and memory, but fiction allows me to go further, to cross that line. I write poetry as well and so am drawn to lyrical prose, which lends itself well to some of my more impressionistic writings. WS: What are your tips for submitting writing? GK: Network! It's difficult being a lone wolf when it comes to writing. Yes, we all sit alone at a desk month after month, but a writing community is vital for growth, honing your craft, and keeping sane! But try to attend writing conferences, join writing workshops, be active on social media. All these things widen your circle and are more likely to get you noticed when it comes to submitting for publication. Perseverance and putting aside ego help too! WS: What inspires your writing? GK: I'm inspired by so many things--memories, places, art, music, people--inspiration is limitless if you pay attention WS: Where are you from and does that place ever enter into your writing? GK: Yes! I'm originally from England and have lived in Texas for ages now, so both those places play a strong role in my work. Childhood leaves such an impression on us, and the fact that mine happened in another country so far from here left an indelible mark on me. One of the books I'm currently writing is set in England, and I'm able to draw from my childhood to bring it alive, which is really satisfying. My other home, here in Texas, is the setting for my first novel, Shiny Bits In Between and its sequel (which I'm currently working on). The setting in my work serves as a character of sorts, so an intimate knowledge of place is vital to me as a writer. WS: Do you do research for your writing? If so, what are some unexpected resources you’ve found? GK: I do research, which I enjoy, especially when you fall down those unexpected rabbit holes. Although I had a beach house in Bolivar, Texas for several years, I still felt like an outsider. The locals there are a tight bunch of folks, but also welcoming and lovely. Still, I had to research various aspects of the area and bought as many books written by locals as I could find, which were helpful. I also use the internet a great deal. Recently, I needed to research a story I'd heard about a lion being found in a church after hurricane Ike--can you imagine? I asked my Bolivar Facebook group about it and got all sorts of wonderful details--they are an invaluable resource! WS: Drop any links or promos for your recent work, include your social media links. GK: Here is where you can find me and my book.
October 2023